This project started as an effort to create reusable and engaging educational materials for my 1st-grade students at Davis Elementary school.
After working on the Penguin's collection, I realized this project's scope to be a tangible record of some of the most crucial and essential animal families on Planet Earth.


Big Cats

Baleen Whales

Before beginning each collection, I would research the species' family that I wanted to illustrate.
Once I decided on the family, I would gather stock reference images and organize them in Illustrator to create a rough blueprint for the final infographic. After trying out different arrangements of the images, I would choose the typography to match the desired feeling of the infographic. Then, I would illustrate it using Procreate and Adobe Photoshop.

Shark Blueprint

Panthera Blueprint

Baleen Whales Blueprint

Penguins Blueprint
Designed using Adobe Fresco, Adobe Photoshop, and Procreate