Mirugam (trans: Beast)
In this surrealist series, I aim to convey emotions through illustrating complex animal relationships.
Growth is Slow: Galapagos Giant Tortoise, Galapagos Shark, Zebra Moray Eel
Galapagos Giant Tortoise: The tortoise is seen as a symbol of wisdom, security, endurance, peacefulness, longevity, and patience. Due to its long lifespan, the tortoise symbolizes wisdom and the need to never rush or worry.
Galapagos Shark: The shark epitomizes focus. It reminds you to be crystal clear about your objectives and what you want in life due to its fast-moving nature.
Zebra Moray Eel: The spiritual meaning of the eel is one of endurance and perseverance, the eel will only ever move forward. The eel symbolizes overcoming all obstacles, moving through, and making progress.
Caribou: The caribou is a positive symbol to meditate on when you feel your life is stagnant and you need the money to pull yourself out of a rut.
Arctic Ptarmigans: These birds wish for you to surround yourself with trustworthy individuals, good souls who will not betray your trust, even if you choose to spend some time alone. They encourage individuals to pay attention to their hearts and souls. It will lead you on the correct route if you follow it.
Orca: These charismatic whales symbolize family, romance, longevity, harmony, travel, community, and protection. They are protectors, especially for those who travel away from home, ensuring their safety and leading them back when the time comes.
Guardians of the Path: Caribou, Ptarmigans, Orca

Up in the Air: Sulfur Crested Cockatoo, Kelp, Hooker's Sea Lion
Sulfur Crested Cockatoo: Cockatoos are symbolic of good work or progress, signaling that something special may happen in the future. They precede exciting and happy times ahead that are filled with lightheartedness, joy, and success.
Kelp: Even though it is a type of algae, kelp represents the emotional and soul webs and difficulties we can get caught in. However, kelp also signifies our inner courage to break through those difficulties, leading to growing hopefulness, new possibilities, and positive change in the future.
Hookers Sea Lion: Sea Lions represent protection during times of change, providing the courage to tackle such movement through emotion and your inner voice. They remind us to connect to our own inner rhythms and feelings, due to their association with the sea.
Leopard: considered a sign of divinity and a giver of sound advice. Dual role as warriors AND guardians of the dead, escorting them to the next realm of life.
Springbok: symbols of elegance, high energy levels, communication, and wisdom. People born under this totem are intelligent and use knowledge to advance.
Butterfly: particularly signals a time for personal change and internal change, emphasizing changes of perspective and how we perceive our place in the world and our contentment within it

Counting Gazelles: African Leopard, Springbok, Butterflies
I paired animals and plants after intense background research into their spiritual and symbolic significance, geographic proximity, and color compatibility.
By merging seemingly unrelated animals, I created illustrations that acted as complex visual and spiritual tapestries.
Royalty: Bengal Tiger, Lotus, Kingfishers
Tiger: They represent willpower, courage, and personal strength. Symbolic of the transformation of anger into wisdom and insight and is thought to protect the meditator from outside harm or spiritual interference.
Lotus: A symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. By nature, even when its roots are in the dirtiest waters, the Lotus produces the most beautiful flower, symbolizing the ability to see clearly and emerge from the darkest of depths.
Kingfisher: Representative of increased mental and spiritual activity. He will teach you that by listening to your intuition you will be able to manifest your destiny. Kingfishers are also extremely decisive and precise birds: they strike headfirst and strong after carefully observing their environment.
Elephants: a symbol of good luck, wisdom, fertility, and protection. Elephants with their trunks down are thought to be accumulating positive energy and pushing through obstacles and are particularly potent totems for those seeking fertility, wisdom, or strength.
Poppies: Ancient Greek, Egyptian, and Roman societies linked it with sleep due the soothing effect of the plant’s sap
Hummingbirds: Their meanings vary across cultures: Aztecs saw them as messengers between them and their ancestors or the gods. In Native American culture, hummingbirds are seen as healers and bringers of love, good luck, and joy. The hummingbird generally symbolizes joy, playfulness, adaptability, and the ability to enjoy the small things in life.

A Small Gang: African Elephants, Hummingbirds, Poppies
Illustrated using Procreate